Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Math Skills

Along with our Math station (for more info and pics check the earlier posts on the blog!), we've begun advancing our math skills in different areas. To help us learn how to draw the numbers correctly we've been using different materials to make it more tactile for us. We've made the shapes of the numbers out of our bodies, we counted out the correct number from different things around the classroom and traced the numbers and drew them on our own in our books.
For sums, Morah put us into pairs. Then, we were given a number. We had to work out two numbers that when added equaled the number Morah said. We then collected the correct amount of items to make a visual math equation!
We made different math equations with beans and beads. We were told a number and had to quickly make a math equation using our beans. We learned a lot, and got to have some fun too!

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