Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Welcome to Second Term!

Welcome back to school! I hope and trust that you've all had a healthy and relaxing Pesach.
This term we will be focusing on a few areas. We are working on our skills in numbers, sounds, visual, and more. This week, we've already been concentrating on our number skills. We painted, counted, drew and decorated numbers one through five.
Other than the yomim tovim- Lag Ba'omer and Shavous, we will be doing a section on "All about Me" including - Our Bodies, Our Families, Our Senses, and Our Feelings. Each topic will be covered in depth and on a Pre- Aleph level.
And of course, the much discussed topic everywhere... Soccer 2010!
As a school, we will be working on a project, where each class will focus on a different country that will be attending the World Cup. We will discuss their culture, flag, currency, and of course the Jewish aspect - their shuls, communities etc.
Looking Forward to another successful and stimulating term with this incredible class!
Please feel free to contact me if you have anything you would like to discuss.
Leah Lipskar

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