Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Candles and Ahavas Yisrael

Candles and Ahavas Yisrael

While learning about Lag Ba'omer and Rabbi Akiva's students, we discussed the concept of Ahavas Yisrael. We had on display all different types of candles. We discussed what it means for things to be the same and for things to be different. We then looked at the candles and discussed what was different about each of them.
Morah then lit all of the candles. Now, they all had a flame in common!
We looked around the classroom and saw many different looking boys. Some were tall, some liked soccer, some had blue eyes. But we all have a Neshama, a part of Hashem inside of us. This is the link that connects us all. So just like the candles were all different but shared the same flame, so too all of us might be different but share the same "flame" - our Neshamas!
This helps us to realize that even though we might not have too much in common with someone else, we can still be friends and love each other, because we all share a part of Hashem!

Benjy exploring the world around him!

Farbrengen with Moshe

Friday Farbrengens with Moshe Wilshansky

We are so lucky as the pre aleph to get a special visitor every friday! Moshe Wilshansky has started to come to our class every friday to make a little farbrengen with us. He tells us a story and teaches us a song that is connected to that story!
We all listened so nicely and participated.
We can't wait for friday to come again!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Welcome to Second Term!

Welcome back to school! I hope and trust that you've all had a healthy and relaxing Pesach.
This term we will be focusing on a few areas. We are working on our skills in numbers, sounds, visual, and more. This week, we've already been concentrating on our number skills. We painted, counted, drew and decorated numbers one through five.
Other than the yomim tovim- Lag Ba'omer and Shavous, we will be doing a section on "All about Me" including - Our Bodies, Our Families, Our Senses, and Our Feelings. Each topic will be covered in depth and on a Pre- Aleph level.
And of course, the much discussed topic everywhere... Soccer 2010!
As a school, we will be working on a project, where each class will focus on a different country that will be attending the World Cup. We will discuss their culture, flag, currency, and of course the Jewish aspect - their shuls, communities etc.
Looking Forward to another successful and stimulating term with this incredible class!
Please feel free to contact me if you have anything you would like to discuss.
Leah Lipskar

all about counting!

Here we are counting out the beans until we get to the number 49- it was great practicing all our numbers!
We love the math center!- we get to make a math equation ( sentence) and put the amount of clothpins behind each number. We then count how many pins are up to find out the answer!