Thursday, August 5, 2010

The King is in the Field

Come take a visit to the "field"! Our classroom is preparing for Chodesh Elul- pictures of the centers will be posted soon!

Our Creativity Shines Through!

a water duct by Natan and Eli leading straight to the house faucet!
During Center Time, Dovi made a choshen mishpat just like the Kohen Gadol!


We learned how a sefer torah, tefillin and mezuzah is written. we practiced writing our own hebrew names in the same font and with a feather and ink!

Soccer Fever

Soccer fever had a good influence in our games- we had a group huddle before games and formed lines after the game to wish each team a job well done! ( this was all initiated by the boys!)

World Cup after effects...

Catching up on all the going ons

It's been a busy few weeks in our class since the Holidays- we've learned lots and have done quite a bit of change in our classroom decor as well. Here's a bit of a catch up from the Holidays