Monday, November 1, 2010

The children loved watching the Primary school children participating in Sports day!

The children danced, sang and had a ball at the Chaim Fogelman concert!

Incredible block building...

Parsha Play

The children act out the Parsha making it exciting, concrete and therefore easy to remember.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The King is in the Field

Come take a visit to the "field"! Our classroom is preparing for Chodesh Elul- pictures of the centers will be posted soon!

Our Creativity Shines Through!

a water duct by Natan and Eli leading straight to the house faucet!
During Center Time, Dovi made a choshen mishpat just like the Kohen Gadol!


We learned how a sefer torah, tefillin and mezuzah is written. we practiced writing our own hebrew names in the same font and with a feather and ink!

Soccer Fever

Soccer fever had a good influence in our games- we had a group huddle before games and formed lines after the game to wish each team a job well done! ( this was all initiated by the boys!)

World Cup after effects...